HYPSTAIR inspired the Danube region

On the 3rd and 4th April 2014 Ministry of Infrastructure and Planning of the Republic of Slovenia organized a conference “Transport and research in the Danube region” in Ljubljana, Slovenia. HYPSTAIR project was present with new attractive promotional materials; furthermore Mr. Veble (Pipistrel) presented the project as a keynote speaker.
Conference offered special opportunity for gathering with various researchers and other actors in the field of transport in the Danube Region. It was designed as an opportunity to hear different views on research, to contribute to the implementation of the Danube Strategy, and to prepare for an active approach towards HORIZON2020. Main idea was to stimulate discussion beyond the narrow borders of different instruments and policies. Effective and efficient transport needs synergies of different policies.
Research orientation of the conference gave project partners a great possibility to present the project to target groups and stakeholders present at the conference. Among many specialists from the field, conference hosted also minister for spatial planning of the Republic of Slovenia and Liam Breslin, Head of Unit Aeronautics at DG Research of the European Commission. Passively was project presented through printed promotional materials, whereas active part of presentation was carried out by small presentations of the project to interested public and through very well accepted presentation of Mr. Veble.
The responses to the project were excellent, so we can proudly say that HYPSTAIR inspired the Danube region.